
A Postcard from Home - The Case of the Fictitious, Falsified, Fire Truck Financing Fiasco

 Be sure to click on the "other posts" button at the bottom to see other issues concerning the Village of Kronenwetter   A recent post card sent to Kronenwetter residents seems to make some convincing bullet-points about Chris Voll's dishonesty and lack of integrity as village president. However, I believe that it did not do justice to the magnitude of  Voll's complicity in that fiasco.  If anything, the card's message of a" need for change" was understated.   Chris Voll's few supporters seem to be diverting attention to who it was that sent the postcard as a distraction away from the truthfulness of the assertions made on the card. I will explain exactly what happened, and also the shameful "smoking gun" that the postcard did not even touch on.  The Background Facts   On February 22, 2024 Village Board had a very interesting special meeting to deal with an incredibly blatant case of Chris Voll and Village staff being involved in fak...

Unbelievable - Chris Voll's "von Briesen Report" Part 1: A Crime Against Kronenwetter Taxpayers

   Be sure to hit the "other posts" button at the end of this article to see other issues facing us as we strive for open, honest, Kronenwetter government.    Chris Voll has been touting this thing called the "von Briesen Report" that he allegedly is responsible for.    This report that he seems to be so proud of has cost Village taxpayers $65-70,000 in unauthorized, misappropriated funds .This means that the costs were incured without committee or Village Board approval    I will do a few posts showing that not only is this so-called "report" a sham, but I believe that it is a crime against the taxpayers of this Village.    When I first got wind of a secret contract being made with von Briesen, I thought at the time  that village administrator Leonard Ludi conspired with the village clerk to hire this firm to facilitate her alleged "complaint". I have never seen a complaint against me, and there are none on file with the Village...

Know Who You are Voting For Part 2: Same As it Ever Was (or Worse)

 Be sure to hit the "other posts" button at the end of this article to see other issues facing us as we strive for open, honest, Kronenwetter government.      What has changed since the last (2023) election for Village president? Chris Voll won that election, and we see what has happened since, for example:    Personal agendas of animosity and politics run amok.    Cronyism - Favoritism for some, Exclusion for others      Unfettered Spending - driving Village finances into the ground.    I am not running for village president this year, but I thought I'd take a look at my response to those reporter's questions to the candidates in 2023. I mentioned Village issues and Voll's failures as I saw them at that time. Let's see what progress has been made by Mr. Voll since then to improve things.    The following is a Wausau Pilot reporters' questions ( in blue ) to the 2023 president candidates. My answers back at th...