A Postcard from Home - The Case of the Fictitious, Falsified, Fire Truck Financing Fiasco

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  A recent post card sent to Kronenwetter residents seems to make some convincing bullet-points about Chris Voll's dishonesty and lack of integrity as village president. However, I believe that it did not do justice to the magnitude of  Voll's complicity in that fiasco. If anything, the card's message of a" need for change" was understated.

  Chris Voll's few supporters seem to be diverting attention to who it was that sent the postcard as a distraction away from the truthfulness of the assertions made on the card. I will explain exactly what happened, and also the shameful "smoking gun" that the postcard did not even touch on.

 The Background Facts  

On February 22, 2024 Village Board had a very interesting special meeting to deal with an incredibly blatant case of Chris Voll and Village staff being involved in fake and falsified documents associated with a loan for a fire truck. The meeting packet can be found here:


It contains documents that show that President Chris Voll signed "Resolution No. 1", an obviously fictitious resolution dated October 24, 2022, which purports to promise to levy taxes and pay for a loan from a local credit union.

There is no such resolution listed among those posted on the Village website. Voll should know that Village resolutions are numbered and titled starting with the year, such as "Resolution 2024-05", etc., not something like "Resolution No.1".

 The information on the resolution could only have been known on January 18 or 19 of 2023 after the treasurer established funding with the lender. Yet on January 20, Voll signed it as "Adopted and recorded this 24th day of October, 2022" knowing that the treasurer made the arrangements just 1 or 2 days earlier.

Furthermore, the president cannot legally sign a resolution like this without the Village Board first voting to approve it. The Board was never notified of this document, and we never even saw it, let alone approved it. Again it is not reasonable to believe that Voll did not realize all this when he signed it.

This false document (it appears to technically fall under the description of a forgery) was essential to creating second loan document called the "Issuer's Certificate". This certificate relies on the resolution as a guarantee to the lender that the loan will be repaid. Item 3 of that document  contains a detailed but entirely falsified narrative of how the Village Board met on October 24, 2022, and approved a resolution by a vote of 7-0. 

   This entire story was a complete fabrication. Yet Chris Voll attested to it as being true and correct. 

The Results

   This incident was and is a major embarrassment to the credibility and reputation of the Village. Chris Voll complained recently that professional vendors are not returning his multiple calls. Is it any wonder why?

Voll has not taken any responsibility for his actions, I don't think he has that ability  He has disingenuously stated on social media that everything (with this loan) was done legally. Based on the above facts, we can see that this is a lie.

The Bigger Concerns of Corrupted Politics

So, how did all this happen? What was Voll's explanation?

The post card misses perhaps the biggest aspect of this incident. It does NOT mention the additional fact that at that same February 21, 2024 meeting the Village Board voted to conduct a third party investigation into how Chris Voll managed to sign loan documents that contained this much falsified information.

Unfortunately, under Voll's oversight as president, this investigation inexplicably never happened. If this is not an indication of abuse of office or some other self-dealing "good ol' boy" corrupted politics, then I don't know what is.

Instead, it appears that Chris Voll has recently attempted to protect himself by using Village staff and resources as his personal election campaign damage control team. A simple timeline of the above-mentioned mess has been placed on the Village website, MINUS any mention of what I have explained above.

   Sure, in the end we got it sorted out, but only because the lender was agreeable. The village attorney was paid $5-6,000 of taxpayer money to bail out the fiasco that Mr Voll got himself and the Village into. The link that Mr. Voll directs people to is a whitewashed, damage-control version of events as they supposedly are now, AFTER the lawyer smoothed everything over with the lender.

This would certainly not be the first time Chris Voll has taken advantage of taxpayer resources to benefit his or his wife's own personal political agenda. However, spin control or not, the facts are the facts. I don't think his cover story is working, and I believe that the above-cited meeting packet contains another factual smoking gun example to show why the Village reputation is so poor. In my opinion the Village was EXTREMELY lucky that the lender did not take action against us, and so is Mr Voll. 

   We need honesty in the office of village president. I believe that since Chris Voll has shown himself to be untrustworthy, and with his perceived integrity and credibility being in the pits even among his former supporters, he is unfit for any public office.


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