
Introduction to Public Input Issues

Readers,     This is a quick note to tide over until I can post something more detailed, which should be by this weekend.     At the May 13 Kronenwetter Village Board meeting, we saw an organized, deliberate political attack consisting of lengthy accusations, conclusions, defamation and slander, but missing anysubstance or facts to support their campaign.     It appears to me that Village clerk Bobbi Birk LaBarge organized her subordinates Jennifer Poyer and Kim Coyle, wife of Trustee Kelly Coyle, joined by account clerk Sarah Fisher, and Trustee Alex Vedvic and his wife, to conduct some kind of hateful derogatory blitz against myself.     Apparently, this outpouring was as a result of Vedvic's, Coyle's, and LaBarge's dismay and anger that a conservative, populist trustee could be re-elected after all of their pre-election defamatory efforts to affect the election in the other direction.    There seems to be no other logical rational purpose for the May 13 theater that they

May 14 Complete answers to reporter Brian Kowalski

 Brian Kowalski has put out a few articles on Kronenwetter again. He sends me questions, but usually only uses some of the answers in his articles. Here are the questions he sent, and my complete reply.     Question:  How do you respond to the allegations made by current village employees that you're specifically the reason past and current employees are leaving the village?    I would say give me specific examples. This is an exact replay of the tactic  Alex Vedvik and his wife have been using for two years now. You recall the Big Trouble in Little Kronenwetter articles. There were lots of accusations but no specific examples for me to say whether or not it ever happened, or why, or other context. There were several issues with the village then, that do not exist now, that contributed to employee turnover.    I have requested hardcopies of what they read at the meeting, but have not gotten them yet. You might have better luck with that than me. The request would be for copies of

May 14 complete answers to WAOW

 Channel 9 has put out a few articles on Kronenwetter again. They ask me questions, but only use a tiny fraction of the answers in their article. Here are the questions they sent, and my complete reply. What did you think about board members mentioning harassment from you among other things at the board meeting?    They did not just mention it, it was a 15 minute long orchestrated smear campaign of name-calling, accusations, and vilification obviously made for purely political purposes. Village Clerk Bobbi Birk LaBarge, and three office workers, all read prepared statements, that I believe was an embarrassment to the Village.    I believe that this was a defamation ambush staged by LaBarge as retaliation for my complaint filed against her with the WEC for numerous election law violations.    Going only from memory of what I heard last night,   not one  of those four women had a personal account of anything they had seen or heard me do that could be considered harassment. Yet they all c

The Administrator's resignation - Fear and Loathing in Kronenwetter

     As we have come to expect, whenever an employee quits their job in Kronenwetter my ideological and political opponents reaction of choice is to "blame it on Charneski" for political purposes, no matter what the facts indicate to the contrary.        Regarding Mr. Ludi's resignation, here are my observations:   We knew Leonard was technically not qualified (education and background) for the job, based on the job description, but everyone seemed to love him as the Public Works Director, so the Board took a chance on hiring him as administrator, stipulating the normal 90 day probation period.     90 days is about up, and while the decision to resign was entirely his, I don't think it was a surprise to anyone, as I understand that he had been making comments for a month, to the effect that he didn't think he would stay beyond the 90 day probation period; he even said as much to me. It was no secret from early on that he had been receiving other offers of employ