With the 2024 Spring Election coming up, the social media chatter, unfounded disparagement, and general negative drama of a few people has started again as if on cue, and is apparently intended to create the illusion of widespread dissent and illusion of a need for a "time for change" (to their selected candidates). The political tactics have been the same for the past few elections, so I thought I'd re-post the information from last year's post (below) word-for-word. While the names have changed since last year, I predict that the coordinated muddy tactics their political action support group will remain the same as this election season unwinds. I ask the voting public to use discernment in evaluating anything they see or hear on social media, as almost universally, these people use a keyboard to make untrue statements or self-created issues and drama, that they would never make in a face to face conversation where they would be chal...
Showing posts from February, 2024
My Complete Answers to City Pages Trustee Candidate Questions 2024
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I provided answers to Brian Kowalski's questions. He said my answers were too long, so I edited it down for him to fit the space for the article. Below are my edited answers which I assume has been published as submitted, followed by the original answers before they were reduced. All FYI. Name: Ken Charneski What prompted you to run, or if you’re an incumbent, run again? I am a lifelong resident of Kronenwetter, and as a trustee of 6 years so far, I would like to continue to provide my knowledge, effort and abilities for the benefit of Village residents . What are the biggest challenges Kronenwetter faces right now? The current course of deficit spending ($700-900,000 more in expenditures than it received in revenue for 2023) seems to be leading the Village toward a financial squeeze that will eventually be reflected in higher property tax bills. Along with that, t he 2024 budget has a $400,000+ deficit, built into it to start with. It is obvious to me that this...
My answers to the Feruary 2024 forum questions
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My answers to the Feruary 2024 candidate forum questions #1-9 These are the answers I had prepared for the February 8 2024 Kronenwetter Village Trustee Candidate Forum. Due to time limits, I did not get to say say all of this at the forum, but gave more general summaries along the same lines. It works better in written form, so I have posted it here. 1. The Village has a comprehensive plan and a strategic plan that were developed with resident input, work of the staff, Planning Commission, and Village Board Review. They were formally approved by the Village Board. These are our guiding documents that are intended to provide a view of how the Village will grow in the future while maintaining and improving the established areas of our village. What have you learned from reviewing the Village Comprehensive Plan and the Village Strategic Plan? Answer: From dealing with the Comprehensive Plan (CP)over the past several years, I see that it has been subjectively...