My Complete Answers to City Pages Trustee Candidate Questions 2024

I provided answers to Brian Kowalski's questions. He said my answers were too long, so I edited it down for him to fit the space for the article. 

Below are my  edited answers which I assume has been published as submitted, followed by the original answers before they were reduced. All FYI.


Name: Ken Charneski

What prompted you to run, or if you’re an incumbent, run again?

I am a lifelong resident of Kronenwetter, and as a trustee of 6 years so far,

I would like to continue to provide my knowledge, effort and abilities for the benefit of Village residents.

What are the biggest challenges Kronenwetter faces right now?

The current course of deficit spending ($700-900,000 more in expenditures than it received in revenue for 2023) seems to be leading the Village toward a financial squeeze that will eventually be reflected in higher property tax bills. Along with that, the 2024 budget has a $400,000+ deficit, built into it to start with. It is obvious to me that this practice of annual deficits cannot be sustained.

When capital projects like road rebuilding come due, and the money is not there for them as it should have been, it will become necessary to borrow for those projects. If you don't like the sewer rate increase, you certainly will not like the tax rate increase caused by new Village debt. My goal is to prevent that from happening.

What will be your top priorities?

To achieve a balanced budget, for starters (see above).

I also have concerns about the current lack of neutrality in Village election practices. We need to maintain public trust in the election process.

I plan to work with the new administrator and other Board members to help get any staff issues straightened out, and to get the organization up and running on all 8 cylinders; hopefully better than ever.

What do you see the role of a board member to be?

First and foremost - to honor the oath of office by doing the job to the best of my ability and impartially. As a practical matter as a trustee, it involves individual fact-finding, research and citizen input, and working with others in an honorable and respectable manner in any interactions, deliberations, or decisions.

How should that board member interact with the public and with village staff?

Respectfully, honestly, without partiality or personal bias, and with tolerance for differences in personality types of others. In other words - by applying the Golden Rule (treating others as you yourself would like to be treated), and all in the public's best interest.

 Original answers:

Name: Ken Charneski

What prompted you to run, or if you’re an incumbent, run again?

I am a lifelong resident of Kronenwetter, and believe my six year record of service shows that my consistent diligence, researched opinion, questions, and actions as a trustee has been of significant benefit to the residents of the Village both financially and as otherwise improving the quality of life here in Kronenwetter.

I would like to continue to provide my knowledge, effort and abilities for the benefit of Village residents, and I plan on taking the lead in moving the Village forward by focusing on real Village issues in an objective, non-personal, non-partisan, positive way.

What are the biggest challenges Kronenwetter faces right now?

The current course of deficit spending seems to be leading the Village toward a financial train wreck that will eventually be reflected in higher property tax bills. In 2023, money was spent without authority from the Board, or without even notifying the Board of the severe shortfall, and the Village saw something like $700-900,000 more in expenditures than it received in revenue. The exact number is not yet known.

The 2024 budget has a $400,000+ deficit, built into it to start with. I voted against it. It is obvious to me that this practice cannot be sustained.

Just as I saw that refinancing in 2020 was a no-brainer, I now see with equal clarity that mathematically, deficit spending like this will result in a crash-landing for village finances if it is not brought under control. We need to take a hard line on cutting costs and staying within the realm of responsible management.

When capital projects like road rebuilding come due, and the money is not there for them as it should have been, it will become necessary to borrow for those projects. If you don't like the sewer rate increase, you certainly will not like the tax rate increase caused by new Village debt. My goal is to prevent that from happening.

What will be your top priorities?

To achieve a balanced budget, for starters (see above).

I also have grave concerns about the current lack of neutrality in Village election practices, which I have been trying for months to get corrected. We need to maintain public trust in the election process.

I am working for the public interest in getting the Village to comply with the Open Records Law, which is a basic right of the people to see, among other things, how their tax money is spent.

In general I am watchful of unjust or disrespectful treatment of the residents by local government, and always looking for ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Village services in a cost-effective way.

I plan to work with the new administrator and other Board members to help get any staff issues straightened out, and to get the organization up and running on all 8 cylinders; hopefully better than ever.

What do you see the role of a board member to be?

First and foremost - to honor the oath of office by doing the job to the best of my ability, impartially, and seriously supporting the State and Federal Constitutions. In practice, this means supporting principles such as individual liberty, justice, moderation, frugality, etc, and as a practical matter as a trustee, it involves individual fact-finding and research, and working with others in an honorable and respectable manner in any interactions, deliberations, or decisions.

I believe that this approach results in benefits to the people - wise decisions, low taxes, basic safety and quality of life, protection of rights, efficient operations, etc.

How should that board member interact with the public and with village staff?

Respectfully, honestly, without partiality or personal bias, and with tolerance for differences in personality types of others; all in light of the principles stated above, expecting everyone to leave their personal politics at home. In other words - by applying the Golden Rule (treating others as you yourself would like to be treated), and all in the public's best interest.


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