My Answers to the Daily Herald questions - County Board




Ken Charneski


City of residence: 



Occupation and education:

 Retired, no college degrees of any type.


Relevant experience: 

   Growing up on a successful farm in Kronenwetter in the 60's and 70's, I learned to evaluate, problem-solve, and to think independently . Since then I have advised and participated in a number of successful businesses.  As a Kronenwetter trustee,  my work ethic and ability to read, comprehend, and evaluate has often been of great value to Village residents. I hope these qualities are a good fit for the County Supervisor seat as well.

    I work for the People that I represent; to benefit the rights and quality of life of those taxpayers, not the interests or convenience of the government.


Campaign website/Facebook page:


Why are you running for office?  

   I believe the current supervisor of District 14 has not advocated for the interests of the people of the district as well as I plan on doing.


What are residents telling you are their most important issues, and how would you address them?

 High taxes and a perception of the County's disregard for the frugal use of those tax dollars is always a concern. Much more lately, is the concern about social engineering, the promotion of community-dividing anti-family, anti-traditional values and which seek to normalize any behavior. People as young as 40 say they've seen a general decline in the quality of our society, and an increase in fear and mental illness, etc.. Older people see it even more. I won't submit to political pressure from special interest groups seeking special treatment or preference for their ideologies that disparage natural, traditional values.  



What makes Marathon County a destination for visitors and new residents and how would you continue to make attracting people to the community a priority if you are elected to the County Board? 

    Kronenwetter has been one of the fastest growing communities in the county. I think it is due to us establishing controlled spending, low tax rate, and minimal, reasonable regulation. People need incomes, and long commutes to Wausau does not make sense if economic development can be decentralized (non-Wausau) to other parts of the county.  As for "visitors", there seems to be plenty of events happening.


Which parts of the county’s strategic plan would you prioritize or work to revise? 

  I think that by far the biggest strategic failure that needs a re-evaluation is "Healthiest".

    It is obvious that the general health of the people is worse than it was 25, or 50 years ago. There are many countries in the world with much healthier people, and much, much lower health costs than the US. I think that needs to be studied and have Marathon County establish a health model that follows that which has been successful elsewhere. The false information relayed by county health to the public during the Covid experience is a prime example of "health care" failure.




On Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 3:15 PM Pfantz, Erik <> wrote:


I am Erik Pfantz, the Service Journalism Reporter for the Wausau Daily Herald, and I am offering the opportunity to answer a few questions for readers ahead of the April election for Marathon County Board.

The deadline to submit responses is 5 p.m. Friday, Mar. 8, although you are encouraged to submit them as soon as possible. Please also submit a high-resolution headshot with your responses. The maximum length for your response to each question is 100 words.

Responses that do not answer the specific questions or that exceed this word length will not be published. Personal attacks will also not be published. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, accuracy and grammar.

Thank you!

Erik Pfantz

Wausau Daily Herald





City of residence:


Occupation and education:

Relevant experience:

Campaign website/Facebook page:

Why are you running for office?

What are residents telling you are their most important issues, and how would you address them?

What makes Marathon County a destination for visitors and new residents and how would you continue to make attracting people to the community a priority if you are elected to the County Board?

Which parts of the county’s strategic plan would you prioritize or work to revise?


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