My Answers to Wausau Pilot questions - County Board


Marathon County Board spring election questions

Email *

Name, age and district

Ken Charneski District 14


independent business

Prior political experience (if any)

6 years as Village Trustee

What motivated you to run for office?

I believe that the incumbent supervisor does not represent the best interests or values of the people of the district, and that I will do much better.

What is the biggest concern you have about the way Marathon County government operates today, and how do you propose to manage that, if elected?

At the core of it is the perceived disrespect of county county government for the taxpayers' money. The budgeting process needs to be made more transparent and the final budget should be completely understood by the supervisors before they approve it. Dave Baker in District 23 seems to have found at least 3 separate "hidden" funds of $1-9 million each. These unknown stashes of money should not have been possible, if the Board members were diligent in their duties, and knew where that money was allocated to, to begin with.

If elected, what steps would you take to put our county on firmer financial footing?

First off, to do a complete investigation of where all the county money is, and how many other quasi-secret funds exist. Then, once we know where we are at financially, it gets down to prioritizing services for budgeting purposes, and having the discipline to control spending. This is very simple, once the politics and special interests are taken out of the process.

How do you plan to involve residents in the decision-making process in our community and be transparent in your decision-making?

As a trustee, I have always had an open door for phone calls and emails. Public input is important, but not everyone will be happy with every decision. I try to find the most reliable information, and then to make the best decisions that I can with that information. I am not afraid to vote against hostile opponents, if it is in the best interest of the taxpayers.

How can Marathon County effectively tackle the ongoing housing shortage, particularly for people with low to moderate incomes?

Simply stated, the cost of things has gone up much more than the income of the working people has, making not only housing more difficult, but other basics as well. It is difficult to counter at the county level the deliberate plans and actions taken at the national and world economic level. If anyone has a good idea regarding this, I am certainly willing to listen, and support a program that makes sense.

What can Marathon County do to attract more businesses and more people to the area?

he most important thing seems to be to quit beating the dead horse of focusing on Wausau as the county's center of the economic universe, and start considering surrounding and outlying areas of the county for economic growth.

What role, if any, should supervisors play in determining which books are chosen for the Marathon County Public Library and how they are placed on the shelves?

I think there should be direct involvement from the taxpayers and parents on that, with some kind of voting or possible veto power on any books in question. The County Board has other work to do.

How do you feel about the transportation options available in our county, and what role, if any, should Marathon County play in tackling the challenges involved?

I have not heard that there are any transportation issues other than maintaining highways. Good roads would be a priority for me.

The County Board is large and diverse. How will you work with people whose views you do not agree with to find common ground?

I can work with anyone, as I have demonstrated at the village level. Sometimes there is agreement, sometimes there is not. That's just how it works. If you are talking about cutting deals, like "I'll support you on this, if you support me on that.", I don't think that would play well with me if I knew that the other issue was not in the People's best interest.

What else would you like voters to know about you?

I have a 6 year track record of diligent inquiry, financial knowledge, and practical decision-making at the village level. I will bring this same work ethic to the county position.


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